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Назив: A performance measurement system for software testing process
Аутори: Vuković, Vuk 
Tumbas, Pere 
Raković, Lazar 
Marić, Mirjana 
Pavlićević, Veselin 
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2018
Часопис: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
Сажетак: © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018. Proper management of development processes in software engineering can be achieved by means of continuous planning, measurement, monitoring and assessment of process performance indicators. The software testing process is also characterised by numerous, well-known performance indicators, based on which it is possible to plan and measure its performance. A question imposes itself, however, to which extent these performance indicators are really applicable in practice (measurable), sensitive and relevant to the software testing process. Theoretical and empirical research was conducted in order to obtain an answer to this research question. Experts in the software testing domain were surveyed, so that they would evaluate individual performance indicators of the software testing process, previously identified in papers published in referent scientific journals and conference proceedings. The result of conducted research in this paper is a developed performance measurement system for software testing process, with the primary objective to harmonise the existing differences between theory and practice in performance management of this process.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1920
ISBN: 9783030000592
ISSN: 18651348
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-00060-8_1
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