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Назив: Combined effects of physical environmental conditions and anthropogenic alterations are associated with macrophyte habitat fragmentation in rivers - Study of the Danube in Serbia
Аутори: Vukov Dragana 
Ilić Miloš 
Ćuk Mirjana 
Radulović Snežana 
Igić Ružica 
Janauer Georg A.
Датум издавања: 2018
Часопис: Science of the Total Environment
Сажетак: © 2018 We hypothesize that the physical features of river habitats and anthropogenic hydromorphological alterations influence macrophyte communities and lead to habitat fragmentation. Sampling included 1081 contiguous survey units positioned in the main channel and side arms along 588 km of the Danube River, along its middle course. To identify habitat fragments, Multivariate Regression Tree analysis (MRT) was applied on macrophyte and environmental data. Indicator species analyses were combined with MRT. To identify habitat fragments on a scale larger than final MRT groups, we set thresholds for an MRT complexity parameter. We identified 20 fine, 7 medium, and 3 large scale habitat fragments. Damming was the main fragmentation agent. Macrophyte communities show continuous variation at all scales of habitat fragmentation. High species diversity indicates major anthropogenic alteration of the river's hydrology and decline of the natural riparian zone. Future studies of the macrophyte communities, and their habitat fragmentation must include more factors (e.g. nutrient status, physicochemical quality of the water, etc.), as well as assessment of the importance of tributaries.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/19010
ISSN: 0048-9697
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.03.367
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