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Nаziv: Forensic assessment of postmortal changes in pig carcass depending on location
Forenziĉka procena postmortalnih promena kod svinja u zavisnosti od mesta nalaska leša
Аutоri: Tomić Zdravko
Ključnе rеči: Pig carcass, Postmortem changes, Forensic veterinary medicine, Decomposition, Taphonomy;Leševi svinja, postmortalne promene, forenziĉka veterinarska medicina, raspadanje, tafonomija UDK
Dаtum izdаvаnjа: 14-дец-2018
Izdаvаč: Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Novom Sadu
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture at Novi Sad
Sažetak: <p>OdreĊivanje PMI je ĉesto vrlo zahtevan i delikatan posao, koji zahteva dobro</p><p><br />poznavanje postmortalnih promena, kao i svih faktora koji utiĉu na razlaganje le&scaron;eva.&nbsp; U ovoj studiji, 16 le&scaron;eva domaće svinje (Sus scrofa) ĉija je smrt nastala unutar 8 ĉasova pred poĉetak ogleda, su istovremeno poloţeni na istoj lokaciji, ali u razliĉite sredine (obe&scaron;eni u vazduhu - AV, BV, CV, DV; zakopani u zemlju &ndash; AZ, BZ, CZ, DZ; stavljeni u drveni sanduk i zakopani u zemlju &ndash; AS, BS, CS, DS; potopljeni u vodu &ndash; AW, BW, CW, DW).&nbsp;<br />Po jedan le&scaron; iz svake grupe je uzorkovan 14., 28., 120. i 180. dana od poĉetka ogleda i tom prilikom je izvr&scaron;ena detaljna analiza postmortalnih promena i obdukcija. Kvantifikacija postmortalnih promena i stepena razlaganja je izvr&scaron;ena merenjem teţina le&scaron;eva i pomoću TBS. U ranoj fazi razlaganja le&scaron;eva (14. dan ogleda), razlike izmeĊu oglednih grupa su bile manje izraţene, dok 120. dana, a posebno 180. dana bila je ustanovljena znaĉajna razlika. Najbrţe razlaganje le&scaron;a se dogodilo kod le&scaron;eva stavljenih u sanduk, kod kojih je 180. dana do&scaron;lo do potpune skeletizacije le&scaron;a.&nbsp;<br />U ovom istraţivanju, telesnu teţinu su najbrţe gubili le&scaron;evi postavljeni u vazduhu i na poĉetku, 14. dana (3,6 %) i na kraju istraţivanja, 180. dana (64,8 %). Prilikom makroskopske opservacije le&scaron;eva svih ispitivanih grupa, na poĉetku istraţivanja 14. i 28. dana, najbrţe su se razlagali le&scaron;evi u vazduhu koji su se nalazili u aktivnoj i naprednoj fazi raspadanja, dok je najsporije razlaganje bilo kod le&scaron;eva u zemlji, koji su se nalazili u naduvenoj fazi raspadanja.&nbsp;<br />Na kraju istraţivanja, 120. i 180. dana le&scaron;evi u vazduhu, drvenom sanduku u zemlji i u vodi su imali brţe razlaganje le&scaron;eva u odnosu na le&scaron;eve u zemlji kod kojih je proces razlaganja bio najsporije izraţen. Ovi rezultati mogu da posluţe kao kljuĉ za odreĊivanje PMI i komparaciju PMI izmeĊu le&scaron;eva pronaĊenih u isto vreme na istoj lokaciji, ali u razliĉitim sredinama.<br />Datum</p>
<p><strong>Determining PMI is often a very demanding and delicate job, which requires a good knowledge of post-mortem changes, as well as all the factors that influence the decomposition of a corpse. In this study, 16 corpses of domestic swine (Sus scrofa), whose death occurred within 8 hours before the start of the experiment, were simultaneously laid in the same location but in different environments (hung in the air - AV, BV, CV, DV; buried in the ground - AZ, BZ, CZ, DZ, placed in a wooden chest and buried in the ground - AS, BS, CS, DS, immersed in water - AW, BW, CW, DW).</strong></p><p><strong>One body from each group was sampled on the 14th, 28th, 120th and 180th day from the beginning of the experiment, and on that occasion a detailed analysis of postmortem changes and autopsies was carried out. The quantification of post-mortal changes and the degree of decomposition was done by measuring the weight of the bodies and using TBS. In the early stage of decomposition of the corpses (day 14th of the experiment), the differences between the experimental groups were less pronounced, while on the 120th day, and especially on the 180th day, a significant difference was recorded. The fastest decomposition of the corpse occurred in the body placed in a box, in which on the 180th day the corpse was completely reduced to the skeleton.<br />In this study, the corpses which lost body weight the fastest were those hung in the air both at the beginning of the experiment i.e. on the 14th day (3.6%) and at the end, on the 180 day (64.8%). During the macroscopic observation of the corpses of all the investigated groups, at the beginning of the study i.e. on the 14th and the 28th day, the fastest decomposition was that of the corpses hung in the air which were in the active and advanced phase of decay, while the slowest decomposition was recorded in the corpses in the ground, in the phase of bloated decomposition.&nbsp;<br />At the end of the study, on the 120th and 180th day, the corpses in the wooden chest in the ground and those in the water decomposed faster compared to the corpses in the ground where the decomposition process was least salient. These results can serve as the key for determining PMI and comparing PMI between the bodies found at </strong></p><p><br /><strong>the same time in the same location, but in different environments.</strong></p>
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/18694
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