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Назив: Possibilities for the development of the lower danube sector in the republic of Serbia
Аутори: Milanković Jovanov, Jelena
Đukičin Vučković, Smiljana 
Ivanović Bibić, Ljubica
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2018
Часопис: Romanian Journal of Geography
Сажетак: © 2018, Editura Academiei Romane. All rights reserved. The Danube Region in Serbia has a huge potential for the growth of agriculture, energetics, industry and tourism. However, these resources are not equally utilized in all parts of the Danube Region. The middle part is the most developed one of the Danube Region in Serbia, with the largest cities of the state, the biggest concentration of production, capital, traffic and population. In contrast to that part, the lower one of the Danube Region in Serbia, despite its huge resources, still lags behind other parts of the Danube Region. The Lower Danube sector has a great potential for the development of agriculture, especially horticulture. In this part, the Danube had the largest hydropower potential and excellent nautical characteristics. Also, here are reserves of mineral resources and excellent conditions for tourism development. The Lower Danube sector in Serbia represents a historical-ecological tourist zone due to its numerous natural and cultural resources. The paper presents all the potentials of this area, but also its limitations that prevent its development. Special attention is paid to the importance of investing in infrastructure which is an important basis for development.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1839
ISSN: 12205311
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