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Назив: Applying destination competitiveness model to strategic tourism development of small destinations – The case of South Banat district
Аутори: Drakulić Kovačević Nataša
Kovačević Lazar 
Stankov Uglješa 
Dragićević Vanja 
Miletić Aleksandar 
Датум издавања: 2018
Часопис: Journal of Destination Marketing and Management
Сажетак: © 2017 Elsevier Ltd The main goal of this study was to analyze the applicability of Ritchie and Crouch's competitiveness model for the assessment of tourism advantages and disadvantages of a relatively small, unknown region with under-developed tourism. For this purpose, the authors selected the South Banat district in Serbia. The model was found suitable for the intended application. The results show that stakeholders believe South Banat is not a competitive tourism destination, even at the regional level. However, the destination's advantages, which can be used as starting point for improving the destinations competitiveness, were identified. A comparison of two groups of stakeholders, the private and public sectors, indicated significant differences in the ratings of destination management and in the destination's policy, planning and development determinants.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/17880
ISSN: 2212-571X
DOI: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2017.01.002
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