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Title: Shadow Wave Solutions for Some Balance Law Systems
Rešenja u obliku senka talasa nekih zakona balansa
Authors: Abdulsalam Elmabruk Daw Dalal
Keywords: balance systems, hyperbolic systems, Shadow Waves, pressureless gas dynamics;zakoni balansa, hiperbolični sistemi, senka talas,gasna dinamika bez pritiska
Issue Date: 7-Nov-2017
Publisher: Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Abstract: <p>In the first part, the pressureless gas dynamic system with source (body force) is examined and solved by using Shadow Waves. The source represents gravity and Shadow Wave solution (containing the delta function) shows acceleration (contrary to shocks, for example). In the second part, one will nd numerical calculations that conrms the above results.</p>
<p>Rad je posvecen analizi modela gasa bez pritiska uz dodatak izvora. Model je resen koriscenjem senka talasa. U ovom slucaju, izvor predstavlja uticaj gravitacije na cestice u modelu. Za razliku od udarnih talasa, talasi senke koje sadrze delta funkciju, krecu se ubrzano pod gravitacionim uticajem. U drugom delu rada su naprevljeni numericki eksperimenti koji potvrdjuju teoijske rezultate.</p>
Appears in Collections:PMF Teze/Theses

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