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Назив: New stability indicators for the empirical food webs
Novi indikatori stabilnosti za empirijske trofičke mreže
Аутори: Cvetković Dragana 
Кључне речи: Applied linear algebra, Pseudospectrum, Pseudospectra localizations, Dynamicalsystems, Stability, Robust stability;Primena linearne algebre, pseudospektar, lokalizacija pseudospektra,dinamički sistemi, stabilnost, robusna stabilnost
Датум издавања: 31-окт-2017
Издавач: Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences at Novi Sad
Сажетак: <p>Ova doktorska disertacija uvodi nov pristup ispitivanju stabilnosti dinamičkih<br />sistema, korišćenjem teorije pseudospektra. Na taj način se postojeći pojam<br />stabilnosti profinjuje pojmom robusne stabilnosti, koji mnogo adekvatnije<br />opisuje realnu ekološku stabilnost. Razvijen je nov matematički alat za<br />izračunavanje indikatora stabilnosti, koji je zatim ilustrovan na primeru dva<br />ekosistema tla, sa po četiri uzorka, u četiri različita stadijuma razvoja.</p>
<p>This doctoral dissertation establishes a novel approach to the stability analysis of<br />dynamical systems, in terms of matrix pseudospectrum. In that manner, the existing<br />concept of stability has undergone essential refinement so as to give birth to the<br />concept of robust stability, which has the ability to capture the ecological stability at a<br />more adequate level. Additionally, within the framework of the dissertation, a new<br />mathematical tool for the stability indicators computation has been developed, which<br />has then been used to illustrate theoretical results in form of two soil ecosystems,<br />each of them sampled four times, all of them observed in four distinct stages of<br />evolution.</p>
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/17734
Налази се у колекцијама:FTN Teze/Theses

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