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Назив: Models of the potential distribution and habitat preferences of the genus (Syrphidae: Diptera) on the Balkan Peninsula
Аутори: Nikolić, Tijana 
Radišić, Dimitrije 
Milić, Dubravka 
Marković, Vladimir 
Trifunov, Sonja 
Jovičić, Snežana 
Vujić, Ante 
Кључне речи: hoverflies, Pipiza, land cover, Balkan, Maxent, distribution, modeling
Датум издавања: 2013
Часопис: Archives of biological sciences
Сажетак: Seven species of the genus Pipiza, collected throughout the southern and western Balkans, were used for the analysis of habitat preferences and potential geographical distribution on the Balkan Peninsula. The analyzed species show a wide and uneven distribution across the delineated geographical-biogeographical regions. The highest number of species noted is from two regions – the Dinaric mountain chain and the Pannonian and subpannonian regions (seven and six). Land cover patch analysis revealed that forests dominate the landscape surroundings of the analyzed species. “Presenceonly models” developed by Maxent support the understanding of the distribution and ecology of each analyzed species. The low probability values of current potential distribution correspond to large non-forested and fragmented forest areas, where, on the other hand, relatively high probabilities overlap with areas of deciduous forests across the peninsula. Results confirm species preference to forest landscapes and emphasize the need for local scale analysis. The studies are of importance in developing regional monitoring schemes and conservation strategies.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/17433
ISSN: 0354-4664
DOI: 10.2298/ABS1303037N
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