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Title: Stark shift of neutral helium lines in low temperature dense plasma
Pomeraj spektralnih linija helijuma u gustoj niskotemperaturnoj plazmi
Authors: Gajo Teodora 
Keywords: Optical emission spectroscopy, Stark broadening,Debye screening, Helium, Plasma sources;Atomska emisiona spektroskopija, Helijum, Stark-ovo širenje spektralnih linija, Debye-evo ekraniranje, Plazmeni izvori
Issue Date: 24-Feb-2017
Publisher: Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Abstract: <p>Izmereni su Stark-ovi pomeraji maksimuma 8 spektralnih linija neutralnog helijuma u gustoj niskotemperaturnoj plazmi impulsnog luka. Osobine izvora plazme, sem postizanja visoke elektronske koncentracije, obezbeđuju relativno jednostavan način određivanja Stark-ovog pomeraja. Izvr&scaron;ena je dijagnostika plazme, pri čemu je određena elektronska koncentracija u intervalu od (6.2 &minus; 70) &middot; 10<sup>22</sup> m<sup>&minus;3</sup> i elektronska temperatura u intervalu (16400 &minus; 21400) K. Eksperimenatlne vrednosti Stark-ovih pomeraja upoređene su sa do sada objavljenim eksperimentalnim rezultatima kao i sa rezultatima teorijskih pristupa. Proveren je uticaj Debye-evog ekraniranja na pomeraj ovih linija. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na popravku Stark-ovog pomeraja uračunavanjem<br />uticaja Debye-evog ekraniranja, kao i potrebu korigovanja semiklasičnih teorijskih vrednosti elektronske sudarne polu-polu&scaron;irine i pomeraja.</p>
<p>The results of an experimental study of the Stark shifts AB of 8 neutral helium lines are presented. The plasma sour-ce was a linear pulsed arc with plasma electron&nbsp; density in the range (6.2 &minus; 70) &middot; 10 <sup>22</sup> m<sup> &minus;3</sup> and plasma temperature in the range (16400 &minus; 21400) K. Details of the experimental setup that enables a relatively quick&nbsp; Stark shift determination technique is presented. The results of these measurements are presented together with the corresponding plasma parameters and compared to other experimental and theoretical data. The influence of Debye shielding is carefully examined from the semiclassical point of view. The comparison of experimental&nbsp; results obtained in this work with the semiclassical results suggests that Debye shielding has an important role on higher electron densities. Also, based on all the available experimental data, appropriate correction factors are suggested for the semiclassical Stark shift calculations for the examined lines.</p>
Appears in Collections:PMF Teze/Theses

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