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Назив: Agenesis, functional deficiency and the common type of the flexor digitorum superficialis of the little finger: A meta-analysis
Аутори: Yammine K.
Erić, Mirjana 
Датум издавања: 1-апр-2018
Часопис: Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation
Сажетак: © 2018 SFCM Agenesis, functional deficiency and the common type of the flexor digitorum superficialis of the little finger are reported in the literature to be highly variable with significant discrepancy between clinical and cadaveric frequencies. The aim of this systematic review was to generate overall clinical and cadaveric weighted frequencies, along with ancestry-based, side-based, sex-based and laterality-based frequencies. A systematic literature search identified 34 studies including 12,213 forearms/hands that met the inclusion criteria. Functional deficit of the FDS tendon of the little finger was significantly more prevalent among Iranian and Caucasian populations as compared to Indian, East African and Chinese populations. The weighted “clinical” frequency of functional absence of the FDS tendon of the little finger was 7.45%, while prevalence of the common type was 37.5%. The weighted “cadaveric” prevalence of muscle absence of the FDS-5 in the forearm was 2.5% while tendon absence in the hands was nil. An expanded examination technique proved to be the most accurate test for FDS function. In case of injury, inadequate knowledge of different connections or substitutions of the FDS-5 could lead to a total loss of flexion of the little finger. These findings support the hypothesis of a dual origin of the FDS-5 where the muscle portion originates in the forearm, while the tendon portion originates in the hand.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1694
ISSN: 24681229
DOI: 10.1016/j.hansur.2017.11.007
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