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Назив: Modeling of the efficiency and effectiveness of railway undertakings
Modeliranje efikasnosti i efektivnosti željezničkih operatera
Аутори: Blagojević Aleksandar
Кључне речи: Railway undertaking, efficiency and effectiveness, method, DEA, fuzzy logic;Željeznički operater, efikasnost i efektifnost, metoda, DEA, fazi logika, model
Датум издавања: 22-сеп-2016
Издавач: Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences at Novi Sad
Сажетак: <p>Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se razvije model za ocjenu<br />efikasnosti i efektivnosti željezničkih operatera koji bi<br />bio u funkciji povećanja konkurentskih sposobnosti istih. Da<br />bi se to ostvarilo na osnovu stanja u literaturi i praksi,<br />definisani su i vrednovani kriterijumi koji utiču na<br />efikasnost i efektivnost i izvršen njihov izbor primjenom<br />fazi AXP. Razvijeni su modeli za ocjenu efikasnosti<br />željezničkog operatera. U razvoju modela korišćeni su<br />principi DEA i fazi logike da se modeluje neodređenost u<br />podacima i koristi ekspertsko znanje za ocjenu. Testiranjem<br />modela na željezničkom operateru u BiH zaključeno je da je<br />model primjenljiv kao alat za ocjenu efikasnosti.</p>
<p>The objective of this study was to develop a model for evaluating the<br />effectiveness and efficiency of railway undertakings, which would be<br />aimed at increasing the competitive capabilities of the railway<br />undertakings. In order to achieve this on the basis of the state in<br />literature and practice, the criteria that affect the efficiency and<br />effectiveness are defined and evaluated and their selection is made<br />with the application of Fuzzy AHP. Models for the assessment of the<br />efficiency of railway undertakings have been developed. In developing<br />the model, the principles of DEA and Fuzzy logic have been used to<br />model the uncertainty in the data and to use the expertise for<br />assessment. By testing the model on the railway undertaking in Bosnia<br />and Herzegovina it was concluded that the model is useful as a tool for<br />the assessment of efficiency.</p>
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/16876
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