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Назив: New formula for calculating flow curves from high temperature constitutive data for 300 austenitic steels
Аутори: Cingara, Aleksandar
McQueen H.
Датум издавања: 1-јан-1992
Часопис: Journal of Materials Processing Tech.
Сажетак: The high temperature flow curves for 301, 304 and 317 stainless steels can be calculated up to the peak stress σp and peak strain ε{lunate}p by: σ/σp=[(ε{lunate}/ε{lunate}p exp (1-1ε{lunate}/ε{lunate}p)]c . The values of σp may be derived from the sinh-Arrhenius constitutive equation for which the constants have already been published based on torsion tests. ε{lunate}p is shown to be linearly related to σp for each alloy. The values of the shape constant c are shown to have averages of 0.203 for 301, 0.216 for 304 and 0.200 for 317 with average errors of less than 2.6%. The value of c decreases only slightly with rising strain rate and declining temperature. An average value of 0.204 (including 316 with c = 0.193 previously published) may be employed for all the steels without significant increase in the error. © 1992.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/16212
ISSN: 09240136
DOI: 10.1016/0924-0136(92)90236-L
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