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Назив: New method for determining sinh constitutive constants for high temperature deformation of 300 austenitic steels
Аутори: Cingara, Aleksandar
McQueen H.
Датум издавања: 1-јан-1992
Часопис: Journal of Materials Processing Tech.
Сажетак: The constitutive equation relating peak stress σp, strain rate dot ε{lunate} ( dot ε{lunate}0 = 1 s-1) and temperature T for hot working: σp = (1/α) sinh- ( ε{lunate} dot/ ε{lunate} dot0) exp [Q/R(1/T-1/T′)+]fsu1/n, was re-examined to develop a new algorithm for determining the material constants α, n, Q and T′. By graphical or numerical techniques, T′, n and Q are determined in a manner which re-checks the suitability of the equation and of the value of α which must be initially estimated or taken from the literature. The values for data on 301, 304 and 317 steels were derived by the two techniques and tested by calculating the stresses for each experimental condition. Comparison is made with previously derived constants, agreement to within about 5% being shown. The wide utility of the sinh equation is discussed. © 1992.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/16211
ISSN: 09240136
DOI: 10.1016/0924-0136(92)90235-K
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