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Назив: Space vector modulation with unity input power factor for forced commutated cycloconverters
Аутори: Huber L.
Borojevic D.
Датум издавања: 1-јан-1992
Сажетак: A new modulation technique for three phase to three phase (3Φ-3Φ) forced commutated cycloconverters (FCCs) is presented. It is based on the space vector representation of the output voltages and input currents in the complex plane. The resultant output line voltages and input phase currents do not contain low frequency harmonics. The input current displacement factor and the converter voltage gain can be freely varied, regardless of the load power factor; the only restriction being the equality of input and output active powers. The modulation technique holds for any input and output frequencies, so that it can be also applied for 3Φ AC to DC and DC to 3 Φ AC conversion, thus making FCC a universal power conversion module.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/16202
ISBN: 0780304535
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