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Назив: Adventages and limits on usage of thermal methods in complex systems : BBBread and bread additives analyses
Аутори: Mesaroš-Sečenji (Mészáros Szécsényi), Katalin 
Esztelecki I.
Pokol G.
Датум издавања: 1-сеп-2007
Часопис: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Сажетак: In order to increase the nutrition value of bread, one of the most commonly used foodstuff all over the world, different additives are used in bread processing. In this paper we describe the thermal changes in bread and that of with 0.5% crude soybean lecithin additive. Their thermal stability has been investigated by TG, DSC and EGD methods. The thermal changes were also followed of soy products, lecithin and lysine, ingredients used as bread additives in order to check if they may suffer any thermal degradation during the baking process. The data obtained can be of use only for qualitative conclusions. According to the obtained data at the usual bread baking temperature only the additives in crust may partly decompose while in the crumb, at lower temperatures the additives, due to baking, are not damaged. The thermal methods give a possibility for rapid estimation of processes induced by heat effects in additives during the baking, and they are suitable to detect the changes during the bread-making procedure. However, they are neither suitable to provide any quantitative data on these changes nor facts affecting the nutrition value and of the bread. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media LLC.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/16091
ISSN: 13886150
DOI: 10.1007/s10973-006-7928-0
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