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Назив: Repulsion of the Futsal Ball Depending on the Pressure in it
Аутори: Bjelica, Dusko
Milošević, Zoran 
Talovic, Munir
Bajramovic, Izet
Кључне речи: futsal;pressure in futsal ball;repulsion
Датум издавања: 2018
Часопис: Sport Mont
Сажетак: The aim of this research is to determine the elastic (repulsive) properties of the futsal ball depending on the air pressure in it. Futsal ball of standard dimensions was released on the flat solid surface from the height of nine meters for four times. At the first release the air in the ball was under prescribed pressure. At the second release the pressure in the pumped ball is reduced by 5%, at the third reduced by an additional 5%, at the fourth reduced by another 5%. The setting of the experiment was carried by cinema shooting of free fall of the prescribed futsal ball and a series of rebounds after the rejection of solid surfaces. One can conclude that the distance crossed and the total duration of four successive bouncing mostly dependent on inner pressure. In this study, the initial speed of a futsal ball was unchanged and only inner pressures were changed. It was determined how much the height of the rebound is reduced and the duration of the rebound, respectively, depending on the reduction of inner pressure. Overall, it can be concluded that the initial speed of the ball can be increased by increasing the inner pressure in the ball.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1581
ISSN: 1451-7485
DOI: 10.26773/smj.180611
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