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Назив: Development of whey-based beverages
Аутори: Djurić M.
Carić M.
Milanović S.
Tekić M.
Panić M.
Датум издавања: 1-сеп-2004
Часопис: European Food Research and Technology
Сажетак: This paper considers beverages consisting of whey, fruit components (orange, pear, peach, and apple), citric acid and sucrose. It also offers their optimal composition. The dry matter of the fruit component, the pH of the beverage and its sucrose content were independent variables. Blends were prepared in accordance with the factorial design. After pasteurization, they were exposed to a sensor analysis so that the following characteristics were estimated: flavour, odour, colour, sediment, appearance and total quality (sum of the previous factors). By applying the regression analysis method, a mathematical model of each characteristic was derived. None of the characteristic functions had an extreme, so the maxima lay at the boundaries of the independent variables (6% of dry matter and 4% or 2% of sucrose ). Only the pH changed within a narrow range. The statistical method has shown that the quality of blends with orange and pear mostly depends on the sucrose content, while the quality of blends with peach and apple depends on the dry matter of the fruit. Interaction of dry matter and sucrose is most significant for the blend with pear, while the balance between sucrose and pH strongly depends on the quality of all the other products. The peach-whey beverage containing 6% of dry matter and 2% of sucrose as well as having pH 3.6 proved to be the best. © Springer-Verlag 2004.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/15569
ISSN: 14382377
DOI: 10.1007/s00217-004-0950-1
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