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Назив: Model for assessment of methodical - practical contents' acquisition of athletics teaching at university
Аутори: Mihajlović, Ilona 
Bilić, Žarko
Idrizović, Kemal
Кључне речи: athletics;teaching process;methods;structure of levels
Датум издавања: 2010
Часопис: Sport Science
Сажетак: In preparation of normative documents for new standards in our education, special attention is paid to creative activities in the educational process, by both the educator and the student. This new role of the student in the educational process of knowledge creation requires skills and access to teacher-student relationship. By training students at faculties of sport and physical education by the means of athletics disciplines, the appropriate theoretical knowledge and application of practical and methodical content for future teachers of physical education should be ensured. In the effort of theme development the working hypothesis is built on the assumption that the definition of the level of methodical and practical knowledge in athletics lectures will give students objective criteria to control and determine the final mark in this subject. The aim of this paper is to define the classification structure model of methodical-practical knowledge level in athletics lectures. Based on the observations of 135 students of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, at the University of Novi Sad, the pedagogical levels are formed and the criteria for adequate assessment of athletics teaching are described.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/15457
ISSN: 1840-3662
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