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Назив: Cobalt(II) and cadmium(II) compounds with adamantane-1-sulfonic acid
Аутори: Đorđević, Milena
Jeremić, Dejan
Andjelković K.
Gruden-Pavlović M.
Divjaković, Vladimir
Ristovic M.
Brčeski, Ilija
Датум издавања: 3-дец-2012
Часопис: Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
Сажетак: In this work, the syntheses and characterization of two novel compounds of adamantane-1-sulfonic acid (1-AdSO 3H) with cobalt(II) and cadmium(II) are reported. The results of single crystal X-ray analysis of the compounds revealed that adamantane-1-sulfonate (1-AdSO 3-) in the monoanionic form plays different roles in the investigated compounds. Namely, while in compound [Co(H 2O) 6](1-AdSO 3) 2, six water molecules are coordinated to the cobalt(II) ion and 1-AdSO 3- serves as a counter ion, in compound [Cd(H 2O) 4(1-AdSO 3) 2], two molecules of 1-AdSO 3- are trans-coordinated to the cadmium(II) ion as a monodentate (O)-ligand and the other coordination sites are occupied by water molecules. The obtained compounds showed moderate activity against Artemia salina. © 2012 Copyright (CC) SCS.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/15363
ISSN: 03525139
DOI: 10.2298/JSC120419051D
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