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Назив: A contribution to determining the friction coefficient in hydroforming of tubes
Аутори: Plancak M.
Vollertsen F.
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2003
Часопис: TriboTest
Сажетак: Hydroforming is a relatively new technology, which enables complex shaped hollow parts to be produced efficiently. Compared to alternative methods, this technology is characterised by significant potential advantages, such as complex shape production, lightweight design, high accuracy, and process integration. The tribological aspects of hydroforming are very significant, as friction influences all the main process parameters practically in a direct or indirect way. However, there is a paucity of information relating to hydroforming tribology. In most reports on this subject only qualitative data regarding the friction coefficient are given. However, for finite-element method simulation and optimal process and tool design, quantitative data are indispensable. This paper describes an attempt to determine the coefficient of friction in both the elastic and plastic states of a workpiece during tube hydroforming processes. Push-through tests were carried out in order to determine the coefficient of friction in the elastic state, and tube upsetting tests were conducted for the plastic state. Various commercial lubricants were used in the experiments.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/15260
ISSN: 13544063
DOI: 10.1002/tt.3020090305
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