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Назив: Deriving the rate equations for product inhibition patterns in bisubstrate enzyme reactions
Аутори: Leskovac V.
Trivić S.
Peričin D.
Kandrač J.
Датум издавања: 1-дец-2006
Часопис: Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry
Сажетак: In this work, the full rate equations for 17 completely reversible bisubstrate enzyme kinetic mechanisms, with two substrates in the forward and two in the reverse direction, have been presented; among these are rapid equilibrium, steady-state, and mixed steady-state and rapid equilibrium mechanisms. From each rate equation eight product inhibition equations were derived, four for the forward and four for the reverse direction. All the corresponding product inhibition equations were derived in full; thus a total of 17 × 8 = 136 equations, were presented. From these equations a list of product inhibition patterns were constructed and presented in a tabular form, both for the primary plots (intercept effects) and the secondary plots (slope effects). The purpose of this work is to help investigators in practical work, especially biologists working with enzymes, to choose quickly an appropriate product inhibition pattern for the identification of the kinetic mechanism. The practical application of above product inhibition analysis was illustrated with three examples of yeast alcohol dehydrogenase-catalyzed reactions.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/15246
ISSN: 14756366
DOI: 10.1080/14756360600829381
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