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Назив: Stabilization of excitonic hamiltonian
Аутори: Sajfert V.
Mašković L.
Zorić V.
Tošić B.
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2011
Часопис: Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience
Сажетак: The Hamiltonian of finite one dimensional chain with Frenkel excitons without of inversion center was stabilized by elimination of linear terms in excitonic operators. The stabilized Hamiltonian was investigated by means of coherent amplitudes since they are the basis for analysis of soliton excitation. The most interesting result is the dispersion law of excitons being function of two independent angles. This dependence of two independent parameters is the consequence of presence of excitonic pairs. Copyright © 2011 American Scientific Publishers All rights reserved.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/14991
ISSN: 15461955
DOI: 10.1166/jctn.2011.1652
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