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Назив: Does the usage of gymnastics chalk have a positive impact on handgrip strength?
Аутори: Halilaj, Besim
Madić, Dejan 
Murseli, Gëzim
Gllarev, Ilir
Кључне речи: Gymnastics;Magnesium;Wounds and injuries;Dynamometer
Датум издавања: 2018
Часопис: Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche
Сажетак: The purpose of this study was to determine the level of impact of magnesium carbonate, in generating the maximum isometric strength of the hand palm grip. Additionally, to verify if there are significant differences, with and without usage of magnesium carbonate. With often repetition of gymnastic exercises, and with usage of magnesium carbonate at gymnast's hand palm, as well as, at students who are engaged with gymnastics, it appears the visible rash raised as water, or blood blisters followed by painful and in some cases even deeper injuries at hand palm. METHODS: In this study material 106 students were involved from University of Prishtina, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, among them 72 males and 34 females, the age average for male is: Mean=20.18 and female is: Mean=21.18. The method of study involves measures of grip strength measured by hand dynamometer, including the demonstration with clean hands, initially with left and then with right hand, separately. Also, the measurement of the compression force was done according to the same protocol, but with usage of Magnesium Carbonate powder, and comparative evaluation between two modes. RESULT S AND CONCLUSIONS: Result of the study show on better results when students used the Magnesium Carbonate powder their hand palm during the pressure of the Dynamometer of both hands, and both genders.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1495
ISSN: 0393-3660
DOI: 10.23736/S0393-3660.17.03663-4
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