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Title: Use of new feed from brewery by-products for breeding layers
Authors: Levic J.
Djuragic O.
Sredanovic S.
Issue Date: 1-Sep-2010
Journal: Romanian Biotechnological Letters
Abstract: Brewery by-products decellulosed mixture was produced from brewery by-products (brewer's spent grain with hot sludge + protein sludge from press liquor + brewer's yeast). The new protein feed was produced by fractionation (sieving) of dried brewery by-products. This paper shows the technological production procedure, the chemical composition and the nutritive value of this non-conventional feed. The tested production procedure enables effective and economic production of new protein feed. Applied processing parameters make a good basis for designing mechanical - technological lines for industrial production of new feed in the breweries. Non-conventional protein feed (calculated on dry matter basis) is the concentrated source of crude protein (390 g/kg), crude fat (102 g/kg) and linoleic acid (49 g/kg). This new feed significantly increased (p<0.05) egg production, egg fertility and hatchability of fertilized eggs. The new feed has a comparative nutritive advantage in relation to soybean meal as a source of nutrients for breeding layers. © 2010 University of Bucharest.
ISSN: 12245984
Appears in Collections:FINS Publikacije/Publications

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