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Назив: Computation of Euler's type sums of the products of Bernoulli numbers
Аутори: Petojević, Aleksandar 
Srivastava H.
Датум издавања: 1-мај-2009
Часопис: Applied Mathematics Letters
Сажетак: In this work, the authors present several formulas which compute the following Euler's type and Dilcher's type sums of the products of Bernoulli numbers Bn: Ωn(m) {colon equals} under(∑, frac(j1 + ⋯ + jm = n, (j1, ..., jm ≧ 1))) fenced(frac(2 n, 2 j1, ..., 2 jm)) B2 j1 ⋯ B2 jm and Δn(m) {colon equals} under(∑, frac(j1 + ⋯ + jm = n, (j1, ..., jm ≧ 0))) fenced(frac(2 n, 2 j1, ..., 2 jm)) B2 j1 ⋯ B2 jm respectively, where fenced(frac(n, k1, ..., km)) = frac(n !, k1 ! ⋯ km !) denotes, as usual, the multinomial coefficient. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/14387
ISSN: 08939659
DOI: 10.1016/j.aml.2008.06.040
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