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Назив: Use of bulk operation to speed up queries
Аутори: Ivankovic Z.
Markoski, Branko 
Ivkovic M.
Radosav, Dragica 
Berkovic I.
Датум издавања: 26-окт-2010
Часопис: Technics Technologies Education Management
Сажетак: Bulk operations are the advantage enabled by Oracle database. They are used through PL/SQL programming language and significantly decrease time necessary to fulfill statements on large amount of data. Their advantage is that a large amount of data is transferred in a single step into SQL where they are executed, data are retrieved from it. In this way, it is avoided that for every row from a table a change of context is being done between PL/SQL engine and SQL engine. Difference in execution time is increasing with the number of rows to process. Bulk operations may be used also with a predefined maximal number of rows that will be transferred between two engines in a single step. In this way a memory overload is avoided, which improves performances additionally. Performances comparison will be shown at a PL/SQL block which will execute without bulk operation and then with it. These executions will be done on a table with different number of rows so the differences in performance over different amount of data could be measured.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/14259
ISSN: 18401503
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