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Назив: Key aspects of the implementation of optional subject "Hands on - Discovering of the world" in teaching practice of the West-Bačka District in Serbia
Аутори: Cvjetković Bošnjak, Mina 
Obadović D.
Датум издавања: 22-феб-2010
Часопис: AIP Conference Proceedings
Сажетак: All over the world a number of initiatives have been started which offer new models for improving the quality of science teaching. One of the leading initiatives is Hands on which in 2003, included the introduction of the optional subject "Hands on - discovering of the world" into the first four grades of primary schools in Serbia. Five years after it had been introduced in our educational system, the analysis was carried out in order to determine the extent and the way this subject was taught in primary schools of the West-Bačka District. The specially designed questionnaire was conducted on the sample of 137 teachers from 16 schools. The analysis shows that this subject is not present enough in teaching practice. This is the case because parents and pupils are poorly informed and mostly uninterested but also because of the widespread mistake that the subject requires special equipment and laboratories. When we analyzed the experience of teachers, we discovered that they were not familiar enough either with its basic principles or with recommended way of realization mainly because of the fact that most teachers did not attend science seminars nor they used appropriate professional literature. In order to increase the presence of this optional subject in teaching practice and to educate teachers for its more quality presentation, it is necessary for teachers to attend seminars about science teaching and to actively cooperate with science teachers at their schools as well as at related colleges. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/14119
ISBN: 9780735407404
ISSN: 0094243X
DOI: 10.1063/1.3322373
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