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Назив: Pesticide residues in human colostrum: Seasonal variations, Yugoslavia
Аутори: Vukavic T.
Pavkov S.
Ćušić S.
Rončević N.
Vojinović M.
Toković B.
Датум издавања: 1-сеп-1986
Часопис: Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Сажетак: Levels of αHCH, γHCH, ΒHCH, o,p′DDE, p,p′DDE and p,p′DDT were measured in 59 samples of colostrum collected in the autumn 1982 and the spring 1983 from healthy nursing mothers on the third day after delivery. Pesticide residues were identified and quantitated on a gas chromatograph. Concentrations of γHCH were significantly higher in the autumn (mean, 1.71 Μg/L) than in the spring (0.67 Μg/L), while concentrations of αHCH were significantly lower in the autumn (0.49 Μg/L) than in the spring (1.50 Μg/L). The differences between the two seasons were not statistically significant for ΒHCH (0.95 Μg/L vs 0.88 Μg/L), o,p′DDE (0.73 Μg/L vs 1.34 Μg/L), p,p′DDE (68.63 Μg/L vs 53.72 Μg/L) and p,p′DDT (20.00 (Μg/L vs 14.29 (Μg/L). Calculated average daily γHCH (Lindane) intake of 0.04 Μg/kg body wt (b.w.) and total DDT intake of 4.16 (Μ/kg b.w. in a 3.5 kg newborn, ingesting 60 ml/kg b.w. of colostrum on the third day of life was below the upper limit of FAO/WHO Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) (0.01 mg/kg b.w. for Lindane and 0.005 mg/kg b.w. for DDT) in the spring. In the autumn, Lindane intake of 1.10 Μk/kg b.w. was below the FAO/WHO ADI and total DDT intake of 5.36 Μg/kg b.w. was slightly above the FAO/WHO ADI. © 1986 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/14069
ISSN: 00904341
DOI: 10.1007/BF01056565
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