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Назив: On the maximum size of the terms in the realization of symmetric functions
Аутори: Tosic R.
Stojmenovic I.
Miyakawa M.
Датум издавања: 1-мај-1991
Часопис: Proceedings of The International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic
Сажетак: The symmetric functions of m-valued logic have a sum-product (i.e. max-min) representation whose terms are sums of fundamental symmetric functions (FSFs). These sums may be simplified if they contain adjacent SFSs. This naturally leads to the combinatorial problem of determining the maximum size M(m, n) of adjacent-free sets of n-variable SFSs. J. C. Muzio (1990) related M(m, n) to a special graph F(m, n). Continuing in this direction, the authors give a simple closed formula for M (m, n) and then deduce that for large m or large n the largest nonsimplifiable set of n-variable SFSs consists of approximately one-half of all possible FSFs, proving thus also all the conjectures from the Muzio paper.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/13988
ISBN: 0818621451
ISSN: 0195623X
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