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Назив: Essential oil of chamomile ligulate and tubular flowers
Аутори: Pekić, Branislav
Zeković, Zoran 
Petrović, Lidija 
Adamović, Dušan
Датум издавања: 1999
Издавач: Taylor & Francis Group
Часопис: Journal of Essential Oil Research
Сажетак: The essential oils of tubular flowers and ligulate flowers of two chamomile genotypes diploid (2n = 18) and tetraploid (2n = 36) were examined by GC and GC/MS. The tubular flower oils of the diploid and tetraploid genotypes were found to contain α-bisabolol oxide B (17.8% and 5.9%), α-bisabolol (34.2% and 9–6%) and α-bisabolol oxide A (24.4% and 54.3%) as major components. The ligulate flower oils of the diploid and tetraploid genotypes were found to contain α-bisabolol oxide B (13.2% and 5.6%), α-bisabolol (21.3% and 9.4%) and α-bisabolol oxide A (18.3% and 45.6%). In addition, the tubular flower oil contained (E)-anediole (4.5%) while it was not detected in the ligulate flower oil. In contrast, the ligulate flower oil contained menthone (4.4%), yet it was not detected in the tubular flower oil. © 1999, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/13956
ISSN: 10412905
DOI: 10.1080/10412905.1999.9701057
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