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Назив: CREDO: A Communication-Efficient Distributed Estimation Algorithm
Аутори: Sahu A.
Jakovetić, Dušan 
Kar S.
Датум издавања: 15-авг-2018
Часопис: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings
Сажетак: © 2018 IEEE. This paper presents Communication efficient REcursive Distributed estimatiOn algorithm, \mathcal{CREDO} for networked multi-agent systems. \mathcal{CREDO} caters to situations in which the agents collaboratively estimate a vector parameter by assimilating their latest sensed information and estimates from their time-varying neighborhood worker nodes over a (possibly sparse) communication graph, while adhering to a frugal communication scheme. The underlying inter-agent communication protocol is randomized and adaptively, making communications increasingly (probabilistically) sparse as time progresses. \mathcal{CREDO} may be designed to achieve at each agent a \Theta(\mathcal{C}-{t}^{-2+\zeta}) decay of the mean square error (\zeta > 0, arbitrarily small) with respect to per-node communication cost \mathcal{C}-{t}, which significantly improves over the existing \Theta(\mathcal{C}-{t}^{-1}) rates. Simulations demonstrate \mathcal{CREDO} 's communication efficiency.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1379
ISBN: 9781538647806
ISSN: 21578095
DOI: 10.1109/ISIT.2018.8437640
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