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Назив: Towards an integrated taxonomy of the Merodon equestris species complex (Diptera: Syrphidae) including description of a new species, with additional data on Iberian Merodon
Аутори: Marcos-García, M.
Vujić, Ante 
Ricarte, Antonio
Ståhls, Gunilla
Датум издавања: 1-авг-2011
Часопис: Canadian Entomologist
Сажетак: Study of specimens of Merodon Meigen collected in southwestern Europe resulted in new data and taxonomic changes for this genus. The cryptic species Merodon confusus sp. nov. (Merodon equestris species group) is described based on specimens collected in Cabaeros National Park, central Spain. Morphological and molecular diagnostic characters are provided to separate members of the species group. Merodon aeneus fulvus Gil Collado is proposed as a junior synonym of Merodon pumilus Macquart. The first Iberian record of Merodon rufus Meigen is reported and updates of the revision of Iberian Merodon are provided. © 2011 Entomological Society of Canada.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/13660
ISSN: 0008347X
DOI: 10.4039/n11-013
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