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Назив: An optimal algorithm for generating equivalence relations on a linear array of processors
Аутори: Stojmenović, Ivan
Датум издавања: 1-сеп-1990
Часопис: BIT
Сажетак: We describe a cost-optimal parallel algorithm for enumerating all partitions (equivalence relations) of the set {1, ..., n}, in lexicographic order. The algorithm is designed to be executed on a linear array of processors. It uses n processors, each having constant size memory and each being responsible for producing one element of a given set partition. Set partitions are generated with constant delay leading to an O(Bn) time solution, where Bn is the total number of set partitions. The same method can be generalized to enumerate some other combinatorial objects such as variations. The algorithm can be made adaptive, i.e. to run on any prespecified number of processors. To illustrate the model of parallel computation, a simple case of enumerating subsets of the set {1, ..., n}, having at most m (≤n) elements is also described. © 1990 BIT Foundations.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/13605
ISSN: 00063835
DOI: 10.1007/BF01931658
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