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Назив: Do kinesiologic activities change aberrant behavior in preschool children?
Аутори: Bala, Gustav
Katić, Ratko
Krneta, Željko 
Кључне речи: behavioral disorders;motor exercise;preschool age;motor development
Датум издавања: 2011
Часопис: Collegium Antropologicum
Сажетак: An experimental treatment was carried out in a sample of 117 preschool children by applying kinesiologic activities. The treatment lasting for 60 minutes was applied for a period of 9 months, twice a week. Control group of 139 children were trained according to the program for preschool institutions. Treatment effects were assessed by 7 motor ability tests, one intellectual test (Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices) and 36-item questionnaire for assessing aberrant behavior, which was filled out by parents. Aberrant behavior reduced significantly when motor abilities improved through systematic exercise. These findings point to the importance of motor exercise and applying additional kinesiologic activities with various modalities to reduce aberrant behavior in preschool children.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/13457
ISSN: 0350-6134
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