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Назив: Validation of the international affective picture system (IAPS) in Serbia: Comparison of a serbian and a hungarian sample
Аутори: Grabovac, Beáta 
Deák, Anita
Кључне речи: emotional stimuli;IAPS;validation
Датум издавања: 27-јун-2019
Издавач: University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology,
Часопис: Primenjena Psihologija
Сажетак: The purpose of this study was to extend the International Affective Picture System to Serbia, which is worldwide workrelated to the ratings. A total of 158 students participated in the study, which included ninety Hungarian students and sixty-eight Serbian students. The participants were required to rate sixty pictures from the IAPS database on the dimensions of valence, arousal and dominance. One of our main aims was to compare the results from Serbia and the North American ratings. We found a significant group difference on the dimension of arousal between the North American and the Hungarian group. Additionally, we found differences between the two groups from Serbia: in Serbian and Hungarian students, as majority and minority groups, there were differences on a dimension arousal. The differences that were statistically significant in relation to the ratings from Hungary were the ones between the Hungarian group from Hungary and the North American ratings, as well as between the Hungarian group from Hungary and our Hungarian group, on the dominance dimension. Sex differences were also found significant regarding arousal and dominance. These differences were in line with other cross-cultural comparisons. We also correlated the results from the USA, Hungary, Bosnia, and our two subgroups, and we found the highest correlations between the two groups from Serbia. Based on the overall results we could conclude that the affective evaluations were similar in Serbia and in other countries, and that the IAPS database could be used for the research purposes in Serbia.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/13341
ISSN: 1821-0147
DOI: 10.19090/pp.2019.2.117-137
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