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Назив: Geochemistry of surface waters of Vojvodina, Yugoslavia
Аутори: Berry Lyons W.
Lent R.
Đukić, Nada
Maletin, Stevan
Pujin, Vlasta
Carey A.
Датум издавања: 15-авг-1992
Часопис: Journal of Hydrology
Сажетак: Major elements data are presented for a number of surface water samples from the Vojvodina region of Yugoslavia. These include samples from the Danube and Tisa Rivers as well as from three lakes in the Pannonian Plain. The data indicate that surface waters evolved to two major water types: Na-CO3-SO4-Cl and Na-Cl. The chemical composition of the surface water from this region has been strongly affected by anthropogenic activities including irrigation and the direct introduction of various chemical species, especially Na and Cl. It appears that the major element chemistry of a number of lakes in this region has changed since the 1950s. © 1992.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/13295
ISSN: 00221694
DOI: 10.1016/0022-1694(92)90047-Y
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