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Назив: Presentation of two-dimensional property function for ceramic floor tiles
Аутори: Djuric M.
Ranogajec, Jonjaua 
Neducin R.
Датум издавања: 1-дец-1992
Часопис: Ceramics - Silikaty
Сажетак: This paper reports about the results of an investigation that deals with the influence of two physical quantities: sintering temperature and specific surface area onto the flexural strength, as well as water absorption of floor tiles. It would in general propose mathematical models of numerous variables, but here the form of two-dimensional functions was found satisfactory. Data basis used for the simple numerical procedure was obtained by the experiments performed with floor tiles prepared from three fractions of defined ratio and thermally treated in the temperature range from 850°C to 1150°C. Property functions were accepted as the objective functions, whose extremes were found and used for defining the optimal working parameters.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/13286
ISSN: 08625468
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