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Назив: Internal corrosion of carbon steel piping in hot aquifers service
Аутори: Simičić, Miloš
Govedarica, Dragan 
Кључне речи: Internal corrosion;Carbon steel;Hot aquifers;Corrosion models;Inhibitors;Weight-loss coupons
Датум издавања: 19-јул-2011
Издавач: Association of the Chemical Engineers of Serbia
Часопис: Hemijska Industrija
Сажетак: Internal corrosion of carbon steel pipelines is a major problem encountered in water service. In terms of prediction of the remaining lifetime for water pipelines based on the corrosion allowance, the three main approaches are corrosion modelling, corrosion inhibitor availability, and corrosion monitoring. In this study we used two theoretical corrosion models, Cassandra and Norsok M-506 of quite different origins in order to predict uniform corrosivity of hot aquifers in eight different pipelines. Because of the varying calculation criteria for the different models, these can give very different corrosion rate predictions for the same data input. This is especially true under conditions where the formation of protective films may occur, such as at elevated temperatures. The evaluation of models was conducted by comparison using weight-loss coupons and three corrosion inhibitors were obtained from commercial suppliers. The tests were performed during the 60-day period. Even though inhibitors' efficiencies of 98% had been achieved in laboratory testing, inhibitors' availabilities of 85% have been used due to logistics problems and other issues. The results, given in mmpy, i.e., mm/year, are very consistent with Norsok M-506 prediction. This is presumably because the model considers the effect of the formation of a passive iron carbonate film at temperatures above 80 °C and significant reduction in corrosion rate. Corrosion inhibitor A showed a better performance than inhibitors B and C in all cases but the target corrosion rates of less than 0.1 mmpy were achieved for all inhibitors. The chemical type of corrosion inhibitor A is based on quaternary amines mixed with methanol, isopropyl alcohol, xylene and ethylbenzene. Based on the obtained results the carbon steel lifetime of 30 years, provided proper inhibitors are present and 3mm corrosion allowance, can be achieved for hot aquifers service with presented water compositions.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/13119
ISSN: 0367598X
DOI: 10.2298/HEMIND110209023S
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