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Назив: High-performance liquid chromatography of some estrogens on chemically bonded phases
Аутори: Petrović, Slobodan
Ačanski, Marijana 
Pejanović, Vjera
Petrović, Julijana
Датум издавања: нов-1996
Издавач: Springer
Часопис: Chromatographia
Сажетак: The chromatographic behaviour of 30 estradiol and estrone derivatives has been studied on diol, amino- and cyanopropyl silica gel stationary phases with nonaqueous mobile phases. The slopes of linear relationships between the logarithm of the retention factor and logarithm of the volume fractions of the polar components of the binary eluents have been calculated and are discussed in relation to the characteristics of the solute, eluent and stationary phase. An equation for testing the separation efficiency of stationary phases has been derived.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/12935
ISSN: 00095893
DOI: 10.1007/BF02293009
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