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Назив: Behavior of sound waves in shepherd flute on the basis of Quantum theory of individual phonons
Аутори: Krstić, Sonja
Šajfert, Vjekoslav
Tošić, Bratislav
Датум издавања: 10-јул-2010
Часопис: International Journal of Modern Physics B
Сажетак: Using the linearized Hamiltonian of individual phonon, it was shown that Schrödinger's equation of individual phonon is by form identical with classical hyperbolic equation. It was also shown that damper in shepherd's flute is reflexive for high frequencies and transparent for low ones. This result was experimentally tested by authors and good agreement of theory and experiment was found. The propagation of sound in parallelopipedal and cylindrical shepherd's flute was investigated. It turned out that parallelopipedal sound propagates in z-direction, only, while in cylindrical one besides plane waves in z-direction the damped waves in x, y plane appear. © 2010 World Scientific Publishing Company.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/12296
ISSN: 02179792
DOI: 10.1142/S0217979210055846
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