Молимо вас користите овај идентификатор за цитирање или овај линк до ове ставке: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11930
Назив: Mathematical model of variable volume diafiltration with time dependent water adding
Аутори: Takači, Aleksandar 
Došenović, Tatjana 
Zavargó, Zoltan
Кључне речи: Modelling;Programming and algorithm theory;Filration;Water
Датум издавања: 9-окт-2009
Издавач: Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Часопис: Engineering Computations (Swansea, Wales)
Сажетак: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to introduce a mathematical model, an algorithm and numerical procedure for determining the duration of a diafiltration process with variable volume. This model should decrease diafiltration time and water usage. Design/methodology/approach - A mathematical model of a diafiltration process, with constant water adding is considered, as well as the relationships between macro- and micro-solute and the equation for process duration. By introducing α(t)= QD/QF, i.e. time dependent ratio of diafiltration water flow and filtrate flow rate, a mathematical model of diafiltration process with time dependent water adding is proposed. In order to solve this model, an algorithm is suggested, based on the simulation of single time dependent water adding process with a sequence of constant water adding processes. The algorithm is applied for developing both a numerical procedure and simple QBASICprogram that are tested on one illustrative example. Findings - The results obtained by the algorithm improve the diafiltration process time around 10 percent and are a step towards finding an optimal dependence function α(t). Research limitations/implications - Further on, the analysis of water usage in variable volume diafiltration needs to be done. Also, the problem of finding the optimal α(t) is still open. Practical implications - The suggested algorithm is applicable to various membrane filtration processes and can be applied with little modification of the existing filtration equitment. Originality/value - This paper is the first to view ALFA as a continuous function of time. Previous authors have considered step functions but never used this general approach. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11930
ISSN: 02644401
DOI: 10.1108/02644400910985215
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