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Назив: Isometric force development of some muscle groups in athletes
Аутори: Dragan Doder
Jan Babiak
Nataša Janjić 
Radoslava Doder 
Кључне речи: canon force;female athletes;male athletes
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2012
Часопис: Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Сажетак: In a large sample of both male and female athletes, subdivided by age and sex, a development curve of isometric muscule force (F̄) was analyzed for hand flexors, upperbody flexors and extensors, and knee extensors (PDS). A sample of 1,857 male and 1,009 female athletes, aged 8-30 years, subdivided by their age and sex, was used to measure the mean values of isometricmuscle force of certain muscle groups by way of 5 topologically defined tests. Based on the results, isometric muscle force (F̄) development curves are shown and analyzed for the right-hand and left-hand (PLS) flexors, upper-body flexors (PTR), upper-body extensors (OTR), and knee extensors (ONO). The application of certain statistical programs gave rise to equations of the relationship between isometric force and age. The maximum mean value of PLS was chosen as the reference value or "the gold standard," with which PTR,OTR, andONOwere subsequently compared. The relationships were 1:1:1:2.8:5.9 (for male athletes), and 1:1:1.3:3.2:5.2 (for female athletes). The newly derived relationship was recognized as "the canon." The results may have practical application in athletes' fitness and conditioning. Every topologically defined muscle force has its own patterns and rules that should be closely followed in the training process, because any generalization may lead to false conclusions. © 2012 National Strength and Conditioning Association.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11896
ISSN: 10648011
DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e31821d5c89
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