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Title: The changes of etheric oil content in powdered garlic during storage in different packaging materials
Authors: Gvozdenovic J.
Lazić, Vera 
Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava 
Popovic S.
Issue Date: 1-Sep-2011
Journal: Acta Alimentaria
Abstract: The etheric oil components in garlic are proven to have numerous positive effects on human health, and powdered garlic has long been widely used in both the food industry and private households. In order to prolong the stability of etheric oil components, different combinations of packaging materials are used for the storage of powdered garlic. Since the quality of dehydrated powder depends on the packaging used, the investigation was aimed to determine the effects of packaging material types on etheric oil content in industrially powdered garlic over the storage period. Powdered samples were analysed immediately after production and during long periods of storage (after 30, 90, 120, 180 and 270 days). The investigations were focused on the correlation between packaging materials performances (light, water vapour and air permeability), and the changes of etheric oil and moisture content in powdered garlic. In order to describe the changes in etheric oil content during time, as well as to predict changes in packed powdered garlic, a statistical procedure was applied for all examined packaging materials and curve fi tting data were estimated (the least square approach). © 2011 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest.
ISSN: 01393006
DOI: 10.1556/AAlim.40.2011.3.12
Appears in Collections:TF Publikacije/Publications

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