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Назив: The influence of information technology on job satisfaction and organizational commitment
Аутори: Terek, Edit 
Mitić, Siniša
Cvetkoska, Violeta
Vukonjanski, Jelena
Nikolić, Milan 
Датум издавања: 1-нов-2018
Часопис: Dynamic Relationships Management Journal
Сажетак: © 2019 Dynamic Relationships Management Journal. All rights reserved. This paper presents the results of a study of the impact of information technology (IT) on job satisfaction (JS) and organizational commitment (OCM) in companies in Serbia. To measure the state of information technology in companies in Serbia, six items were defined: the possession of modern IT, using (i.e., the application of) modern IT, use of modern IT, the training of employees to work with modern IT, the motivation of employees to work with modern IT, and the importance that management places on modern IT. The research relates to the study of the impact of such defined information technology items on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The data were obtained from a questionnaire completed by N = 380 middle managers from 102 companies in Serbia. The main conclusions of the research are as follows. The average values for the items of information technology are slightly above the average, indicating the good state of information technology in companies in Serbia. The perspective is also good, because the highest average value is for the importance that management places on modern IT. All correlations between information technology items and the observed organizational performance (job satisfaction dimensions and organizational commitment dimensions) are statistically significant, strong, and positive. The most important correlations of information technology are with the following items: the motivation of employees to work with modern IT, the importance that management places on modern IT, and use of modern IT. From the observed organizational performance, the strongest correlations are with communication, nature of work, and organizational identification. Furthermore, regression analysis shows a predictive effect of information technology items on the observed organizational performance. Of all independent variables, the impact of the motivation of employees to work with modern IT is especially evident, as is the role of the importance that management places on modern IT. The recommendations to top managers are to continuously and systematically invest in the purchase and maintenance of modern information technology, and to motivate employees to work with modern information technology. The effects of these investments and efforts will be reflected through better business results, and the improvement of the level of numerous organizational performance indicators, such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment of employees.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1169
ISSN: 22325867
DOI: 10.17708/DRMJ.2018.v07n02a04
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