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Назив: Localized distance-sensitive service discovery in wireless sensor and actor networks
Аутори: Li X.
Santoro N.
Stojmenović, Ivan
Датум издавања: 25-авг-2009
Часопис: IEEE Transactions on Computers
Сажетак: We formalize the distance-sensitive service discovery problem in wireless sensor and actor networks, and propose a novel localized algorithm, iMesh. Unlike existing solutions, iMesh uses no global computation and generates constant per-node storage load. In iMesh, new service providers (i.e., actors) publish their location information in four directions, updating an information mesh. Information propagation for relatively remote services is restricted by a blocking rule, which also updates the mesh structure. Based on an extension rule, nodes along mesh edges may further advertise newly arrived relatively near service by backward distance-limited transmissions, replacing previously closer service location. The final information mesh is a planar structure constituted by the information propagation paths. It stores locations of all the service providers and serves as service directory. Service consumers (i.e., sensors) conduct a lookup process restricted within their home mesh cells to discover nearby services. We analytically study the properties of iMesh including construction cost and distance sensitivity over a static network model. We evaluate its performance in static/dynamic network scenarios through extensive simulation. Simulation results verify our theoretical findings and show that iMesh guarantees nearby (closest) service selection with very high probability, >99 percent (respectively, >95 percent). © 2009 IEEE.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11502
ISSN: 00189340
DOI: 10.1109/TC.2009.54
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