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Назив: Effects of γ-irradiation on antioxidant activity in soybean seeds
Аутори: Štajner, Dubravka
Popović, Boris 
Taški, Ksenija
Датум издавања: 24-јун-2009
Часопис: Central European Journal of Biology
Сажетак: There are some reports that low doses of γ-irradiation could induce antioxidant activities in plant material, including soybean. Irradiation, required for the inactivation of some pathogens and induction of mutations, may have adverse effects on sensorial, nutritional and antioxidant qualities. The effects of different γ-irradiation doses (100-200 Gy) on antioxidant properties of soybean seeds was investigated. In this study, we report the results obtained by analysis of antioxidant enzyme activities, reduced glutathione, malonyldialdehyde (MDA) and hydroxyl (HO-) radical quantities, soluble protein content, and total antioxidant activity in irradiated soybean seeds. Antioxidant enzyme activities were affected due to high irradiation intensity. Significant changes of total antioxidant activity and MDA and HO.quantities were observed only under the highest irradiation dose, with a 15.7% reduction in total antioxidant activity, MDA quantity increase of 21.6%, and HO- radical quantity increase of 79.3% compared to the non-irradiated control. The total soluble protein content increased slightly. © Versita Warsaw and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11405
ISSN: 1895104X
DOI: 10.2478/s11535-009-0019-z
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