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Назив: Numerical method for solving diffusion-wave phenomena
Аутори: Stojanović, Mirjana
Датум издавања: 15-мар-2011
Часопис: Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Сажетак: We find solutions for the diffusion-wave problem in 1D with n-term time fractional derivatives whose orders belong to the intervals (0,1),(1,2) and (0,2) respectively, using the method of the approximation of the convolution by Laguerre polynomials in the space of tempered distributions. This method transfers the diffusion-wave problem into the corresponding infinite system of linear algebraic equations through the coefficients, which are uniquely solvable under some relations between the coefficients with index zero. The method is applicable for nonlinear problems too. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11276
ISSN: 03770427
DOI: 10.1016/j.cam.2010.12.010
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