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Назив: Formation of proanthocyanidin-loaded liposomes under various conditions
Аутори: Petrović, Lidija 
Sovilj, Verica
Dokić, Petar
Schäffer, Ivan
Кључне речи: Liposomes;Proanthocyanidins;Scanning electron microscopy;Antioxidant preparations
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2004
Издавач: Springer link
Часопис: Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science
Сажетак: The formation of phosphatidylcholine liposomes loaded with proanthocyanidins isolated from grape (Vitis vinifera L.) seeds was studied. Using scanning electron microscopy it was determined that the type and the size of the liposomes depend on various factors: proanthocyanidin concentration and homogenization conditions (time and intensity). Rheological investigations of liposome dispersions show different types of flow - plastic and pseudoplastic, according to the proanthocyanidin concentration. Liposome dispersions containing 0.25-1.5% proanthocyanidin show satisfactory stability after using a temperature stress test.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11104
ISSN: 0340255X
DOI: 10.1007/b14301
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