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Назив: The charge percolation mechanism and simulation of Ziegler-Natta polymerizations. Part III. Oxidation states of transition metals
Аутори: Pilić, Branka 
Stoiljković, Dragoslav
Bakočević, Ivana
Jovanović, Slobodan
Panić, Davor
Korugić-Karasz, Ljiljana
Датум издавања: 2006
Издавач: Belgrade: Serbian Chemical Society
Часопис: Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
Сажетак: The oxidation state of the transition metal (Mt) active centre is the most disputable question in the polymerization of olefins by Ziegler-Natta (ZN) and metallocene complexes. In this paper the importance and the changes of the Mt active centres are presented and discussed on the basis of a charge percolation mechanism (CPM) of olefin polymerization. Mt atoms can exist in different oxidation states and can be easily transformed from one to another state during activation. In all cases, the Mt atoms are present in several oxidation states, i.e., Mt+(n-1), Mt+(n) to Mt+(n+1), producing an irregular charge distribution over the support surface. There is a tendency to equalize the oxidation states by a charge transfer from Mt+(n-1) (donor) to Mt+(n+1) (acceptor). This cannot occur since the different oxidation states are highly separated on the support. However, monomer molecules are adsorbed on the support producing clusters with stacked π-bonds, making a π-bond bridge between a donor and an acceptor. Once a bridge is formed (percolation moment), charge transfer occurs. The donor and acceptor equalize their oxidation states simultaneously with the polymerization of the monomer. The polymer chain is desorbed from the support, freeing the surface for subsequent monomer adsorption. The whole process is repeated with the oxidation-reduction of other donor-acceptor ensembles.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11052
ISSN: 03525139
DOI: 10.2298/JSC0604357P
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