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Назив: Effects of integrated polysensory recovery treatment on the functions of the central and autonomic nervous systems
Аутори: Dudnik E.
Glazachev O.
Otto Barak 
Lavrishchev A.
Kostyuk D.
Кључне речи: heart rate variability;P300 cognitive evoked potentials;autonomic regulation
Датум издавања: 19-феб-2009
Часопис: Human Physiology
Сажетак: The changes in the parameters of P300 cognitive evoked potentials, the psychological and emotional state, and heart rate variability parameters reflecting the characteristics of autonomic regulation during polysensory physiotherapeutic recovery treatment were studied. A single treatment with combined polysensory stimuli resulted in substantial activation of sympathetic regulation of the heart rate, improvement of the emotional state, and an increase in the P300 amplitude in the central frontal areas, which indicates activation of cognitive processes. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. 2009.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10962
ISSN: 3621197
DOI: 10.1134/S036211970901006X
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